Straits Inc Pte Ltd

Often project promoters focus only on the technical aspects of the project in the early stages, and this incurs a high percentage of the feasibility spend.
We approach is to join the project in the early stages and work alongside the promoter and the technical consultant to evaluate the project commercially from the viewpoint of a potential investor or financier. This process determines the critical issues which will result in a bankable or non-bankable project. We then plan and manages the key workstreams required for the project to achieve it’s ‘bankability’ objective and ensure financial close in the most cost-effective and timely manner.
Investment and Financing Areas:
Micro Financing
SME Trade Financing
Fishery Industry Financing
Laundromat, Commercial Laundry and Laundry Machine Financing
Infrastructure Financing - Power Generation, Telecommunication, Green Infrastructure (e.g. LED)
ATM and ATM Recycler Leasing
Turnkey ICT Project Financing
Startups Investment